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New board & other announcements from UU's General Assembly 2023

Updated: May 6, 2023

The 2023 General Assembly of the Icelandic Young Environmentalist Association was held on the 15th of April at the University of Iceland. The various projects and events the association engaged with in the past year were discussed, the annual report and the annual financial statement were presented, we voted on amendment proposals to our bylaws, voted for a new board, announced the Young Environmentalist of 2022-23, and adopted a new policy for the association.

The association’s new board for the year 2023-24 is as follows:

President - Finnur Ricart Andrason

Vice-president - Evlalía Kolbrún Ágústsdóttir

Treasurer - Una Lilja Erludóttir

Secretary - Snorri Hallgrímsson

Media and education rep. - Bára Örk Melsted

Climate rep. - Cody Alexander Skahan

Nature conservation rep. - Sæunn Júlía Sigurjónsdóttir

Circular economy rep. - Emily Richey-Stavrand

From left: Una Lilja Erludóttir, Evlalía Kolbrún Ágústsdóttir, Finnur Ricart Andrason, Emily Richey-Stavrand, Bára Örk Melsted, Cody Alexander Skahan, Snorri Hallgrímsson.

Into positions outside the board were elected for the year 2023-24:

  • Confidants - Unnur Björnsdóttir & Egill Ö. Hermannsson (see more about them here)

  • Auditor of bills - Þorgerður María Þorbjarnardóttir

In UU’s 2022-23 annual report, all the main projects, committee work, events, conferences and media coverage of the year are covered. The annual report is only available in Icelandic and can be found here.

The association is doing well financially as our Annual Financial Statement shows. The financial statement details more of our finances and can be found here in Icelandic.

Various bylaw amendment proposals were voted upon and the association’s bylaws will be amended accordingly and translated in the coming weeks. The bylaws can be found here.

UU’s new policy was adopted at the General Assembly. This detailed policy comprising three chapters was crafted in a participatory process through our four National Assemblies as well as through a transparent policy-making process in the past two months. This new policy will strengthen and improve the association’s work in the coming years.

The best point on the agenda at our General Assembly was of course the announcement of the Young Environmentalist of the year 2022-23. This encouraging award was presented to Helga Hvanndal Björnsdóttir who has done amazing work for our association and nature in the past year.

The meeting minutes of our General Assembly 2023 can be found here.


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