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Confidential representative

Innan UU eru tveir trúnaðarfulltrúar, fyrir starfsárið 2023-2024 eru það Egill Hermannson og Unnur Björnsdóttir. 


Þið getið haft samband við hvort sem er Unni eða Egil ef eitthvað kemur upp innan félagsins. Fulltrúarnir vinna svo á málunum í samráði við þau sem leita til þeirra. Trúnaðarfulltrúm fylgir trúnaður. 

Sigrún Perla Gísladóttir


Perla was the treasurer of the association 2021-2022. 


Thank you!

Do not hesitate to be in contact to discuss anything related to UU's work - full confidentiality!

Rafn Helgason


Rafn was on the board of the association 2018-2019 and 2021-2022.


Thank you!

Do not hesitate to be in contact to discuss anything related to UU's work - full confidentiality!

All young environmentalists who support the association's goals and policies can sign up and it costs nothing. By registering, you can, among other things, take part in committee work and other advocacies of Young Environmentalists.

Kennitala: 5104130240

Bank account: 0115-26-010488

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