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Congrats! You have found our book A recipe for sunshine about our project Sólin: The Icelandic Youth Environmentalist Association’s grading for the Parliamentary Elections 2021 :)

A group of eager young people developed a criterion to evaluate party policies and published grades for each of the running parties, in the run-up to the Alþingi parliamentary election 2021.


Sólin is here presented as a recipe for sunshine, - a visual essay framed with articles by the project’s key players, Finnur Ricart Andrason, Tinna Hallgrímsdóttir, and Þorgerður María Þorbjarnardóttir - and a greeting from the President of Iceland. Editing was in the hands of Sigrún Perla Gísladóttir, Mána Hjörleifsdóttir Taylor translated, and Olga Elliot took care of the layout. 

The publication was made possible with the generous support of The Icelandic Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate. Enjoy flipping through this colorful archive and toolkit about Sólin! 

p.s. the book will probably become available in several Icelandic libraries in the coming months :)

All young environmentalists who support the association's goals and policies can sign up and it costs nothing. By registering, you can, among other things, take part in committee work and other advocacies of Young Environmentalists.

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Bank account: 0115-26-010488

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