President: Tinna Hallgrímsdóttir
Vice-president: Egill Ö. Hermannsson
Secretary: Brynja Þorsteinsdóttir
Treasurer: Snjólaug Heimisdóttir
Education and media rep.: Steffi Meisl
Climate rep.: Finnur Ricart Andrason
Nature conservation rep.: Ástrós Eva Ársælsdóttir
Circular economy rep.: Kolbrún Fríða Hrafnkelsdóttir

The board of The Icelandic Youth Environmentalist Association 2022-2023.
The associations General Assembly was held yesterday (April 10th) and we had a blast! The Annual Report and the Annual Invoices were accepted, some legislative changes were made to the association's laws, the Young Environmentalist of the Year 2021-22 was announced, and lastly a new board was elected.

Perla Gísladóttir, our former treasurer directed the General Assembly.

Stefán Örn Snæbjörnsson was announced the Young Environmentalist of the year 2021-22 and was awarded a certificate from our president, Tinnu Hallgrímsdóttir.
This passed year, the association has implanted itself even more firmly in the public debate on environmental and climate issues. The board, along with all the amazing members of the association managed to complete an incredible amount of project and have an impact like never before, as can be seen in the Annual Report of the association for 2021-22 (see below). We painted the Icelandic parliamentary elections 2021 yellow with our grading scheme Sólin, we stepped up onto the big stage in the climate scene when we attended COP26 where we fought for more ambitious climate action, we held two amazing topic-related conferences to form the basis for updating our policy in the areas of nature conservation, education, and media, we organized multiple big climate strikes, we wrote an incredible number of critical commentaries on legislation proposals, wrote dozens of opinion articles, held speeches, participated in panels, and much, much more.
Here you can find the Annual Report of the association for 2021-2022 (in Icelandic):
Looking to the year ahead, we are very excited to work on all the creative projects we have planned. The pandemic has impacted the association's work considerably in the past two years, so one of our main goals for the coming months is to hold more social gatherings to increase the internal cohesion of our 1350 members and for them to feel incresed responsibility in the work of the association. Alongside this, we want to put an emphasis on empowering all our members in order to harness all the power that now lies dormant in within the association. And of course, our main focus will continue to be speaking out for nature and being the voice young people in the environmental discourse, as well as demand the government and other people in power for more rigorous actions when it comes to nature conservation, climate change, and the circular economy.
We thank you all for this incredible year that is now behind us and can't wait to see what the new year brings!

Perla Gísladóttir, our former treasurer presents the association's finances at the General Assembly 2022.

Sæunn Júlía Sigurjónsdóttir, our former nature conservation rep. presents the amazing work that the nature conservation committee has done in this past year.

Tinna Hallgrímsdóttir, our president presents the Annual Report 2021-22 at the General Assembly 2022.

Tinna Hallgrímsdóttir, our president presents the chapter on Sólin in the Annual Report 2021-2022.

Egill Ö. Hermannsson, our vice-president presents his propositions for legislation changes at the General Assembly 2022. Among the proposed changes were to make the wording in the association's laws more gender neutral and to set up a more democratic voting system.