Agenda of the Annual General Assembly:
Election of chairman and secretary of the meeting
Report of the Board submitted
Invoices submitted
Legislative amendments
Election of chairman
Election of 4 board members
Election of 2 deputies
Election of 1 auditor
Other issues
The board consists of Chair, Vice-chair, secretary, treasurer, moderator and two vice-board members
Proposals for law amendments shall be sent to the e-mail address umhverfissinnar@umhverfissinnar.is no later than 17:30 on April 5th. Notice of candidacy shall be sent before the meeting with a short text about the candidate, why the position and photo are being sought. The Electoral Commission will then announce the candidacy here at the event.
To have the right to vote at the Annual General Assembly, you must register as a member no later than 17:30 on 12th of April (one week before the meeting). Registration in the membership list takes place here: https://www.umhverfissinnar.is/skradu-thig
The event will be held in Icelandic. Hitt húsið is wheel-chair accessible. If you are in need of sign-language interpretation, a written live text of the spoken dialogue happening or have any other accessibility needs, please send us a messageIt will be possible to download the event electronically.
Looking forward to seeing you!