Ungir umhverfissinnar hittu Umhverfis og Auðlindaráðherra Guðmund Inga Guðbrandsson miðvikudaginn 13. janúar til þess að ræða frumvarp um stofnun Hálendisþjóðgarðs. Fundurinn var opinn meðlimum í Miðhálendisnefnd félagsins. Fundurinn er partur af undirbúningi nefndarinnar að umsagnarskrifum sem skilað verður til Umhverfis og Samgöngunefndar þingsins.
The Icelandic Youth Environmental Association met Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson the 13th of January. The topic in the meeting was his law-proposal founding a National Park covering the Icelandic Highlands. The meeting was open for members in the central-highland committee. The meeting is a part of the process of writing public comments that the committee will send to the parliament committee of Nature and Transportation.
